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Functions Quickstart

In this tutorial we are going to create a demo python funciton in a step-by-step manner and deploy it on the DeepMux platform.

What are deepmux functions

DeepMux functions are serverless functions that allow you to write complex data processing algorithms without caring about setting up complex infrastructure.

Making sure deepmux-cli is installed

Check out the Installation guide for detailed instructions.

Setting up the project

We recommend creating your project in a separate directory. For example:

mkdir -p myproject
cd myproject

List function environments and choose the appropriate.

Environments are used to define language you are going to use to code the function and provide some pre-installed libraries.

deepmux env

We are going to use python3.7 environment

Then initialize the project with the following command:

deepmux init

This will create deepmux.yaml and .deepmuxignore files in your current directory.

Contents of deepmux.yaml:

name: <required, function name>
env: <required, function env>
  call: <required, module:function to call>
  requirements: <optional, path to requirements.txt>

Fill the name field with myproject and env with python3.7. You can use deepmux env command to list all available environments.

Contents of .deepmuxignore:


It is a standard ignore file and should contain ignore patterns.

We are going to fill in name, env, call and requirements sections later.

Implementing function

Now it's time to implement the function itself.

In this example we will implement a functions that simply reverses it's input.

Create file in the project directory and fill it with the following code:

def reverse_function(data):
    return data[::-1]

Functions written in Python accept bytes and return bytes.

Let's save this function to a file and add it as an entrypoint.

You need to open deepmux.yaml and add main:reverse_function to the call: section.

At this point deepmux.yaml would look like:

name: myproject
env: python3.7
  call: main:reverse_function
  requirements: <optional, path to requirements.txt>

And the project structure should look like:


Add requirements (Optional)

If you don't have any requirements just delete the last line from deepmux.yaml file and skip this section.

You can add requirements for your function. Let's say we need numpy package in our function.

Writerequirements.txt file


And add path to the file in your deepmux.yaml:

name: myproject
env: python3.7
  call: main:reverse_function
  requirements: requirements.txt

Uploading the function

Once we've finished with the function, requirements and deepmux.yaml we are able to upload function to the platform via cli.

deepmux upload

Function will take some time to process. You can use

deepmux list

command to get your functions and their statuses or simply check your functions via the Web UI.

Running the function

Once your function has finished processing and is in READY state you can call it with an HTTP request.

Here's an example using curl:

curl -X POST \
     -H "X-Token: <YOUR API TOKEN>" \ \
     --data "Hello!"

You should see the following on the screen:


You also could run your function via cli:

deepmux run --name myproject --data 'hello!'

Done! Now you are ready to implement more complex functions and enjoy deploying them on the DeepMux platform.